Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Okay, what I said, before I was so rudely ignored by Flickr, was that Gabi and I found these shoes yesterday at Mervyn's for $4.98. We were looking for sandals or church shoes, but these were calling her name. They really do look pretty cool on her. That kid has quite the sense of style.

But hey, I did manage to get the picture up there on my second try. I'll have to keep this up.

Cool Shoes

Cool Shoes
Originally uploaded by nicolehh.
Please work. I wrote a cute little entry on these cool new shoes Gabi and I found yesterday and it's not posting. Here we go again . . .

Monday, May 23, 2005


Hmmm I just realized I was going to name this posting "My Life," and speak negatively of people who resent their children intruding upon their life, when I realized that the title of this blog is It's My Life. Okay, but I'm talking about them, not me . . . for the most part.

More than once in the recent past I've heard a parent talking about, or to, their child, saying that the child has taken their life from them, or that they can't wait to reclaim their life when the child is grown and out of the house. I don't get it. I understand that life changes when you have a child--you can't be as spontaneous, you have more responsibility, greater financial obligations, etc. And sometimes that means you can't do what you want to do--go on a weekend trip or buy that little sports car or go to Taco Cabana at 2 a.m. or whatever. However, YOU had this child (especially in this day and age, although I won't get into that). This life you have, with the child and responsibilities and routine, IS your life. You're life is not that of a single 25-year-old, if you'd even really want that. Don't blame the child for your unhappiness.

Let me say here that I know kids can be difficult, exasperating, even heart-breaking. I just hate to hear people blame their children for their own unhappiness. I'm sure this doesn't exactly help their relationship with the kid, either. Oh yeah, I love you, but you've ruined my life and I can't wait to ship you off to college. That's a real bonding conversation.

Okay, I'm done. I know I'm not a parenting genius. I have lots to learn. That one just really got to me.

Mr. Whineypants

Something is up with Samuel. I chalked it all up to his lack of sleep over the weekend, all the excitement, people he wasn't used to being around. So why isn't he more normal today, after sleeping 12 hours overnight?

He doesn't want to eat meals, even ones he usually likes. He cries. He screams. He throws himself on the ground. Yet, somehow, as tiring as it is, I feel sorry for him. Something is not right. Whatever it is, I'm ready for it to pass.

Why is it that when things are happening to me, I make a mental note to mention it here, but when I sit down to write, it all seems kinda trivial and stupid?

Monday, May 16, 2005

Is it hot in here?

Okay, that's much better, more summery-er, than the old navy blue template.

Gabi's play is tomorrow. It has a name, Malice in the Palace, but really I'm only there to see Gabi as Queen Esther. She's so good at this sort of thing, so much more confident than I was at this age. That can be good and bad, but for this, it's good. I hope Samuel lets us actually see the play.


Okay, so basically what I discovered was that my best friend, JJ, is the sole recipient of my own personal blog that I send to her several times a week via email. Whenever I start to think about writing here, I realize that these messages would sound an awful lot like what I write to her.

So this morning she left for a trip to Vietnam to do something that is apparently security classified since whenever I ask her about it, she doesn't answer. She'll be gone for two weeks or so, so you can see my dilemma: who will be there to recieve my infinite wisdom while she is gone? Because, of course, I couldn't keep all this bottled up inside me.

Okay, well, I'm sure this is interesting to no one, so I'll go for now, but I may be back soon.